About Us
The network of the Italian companies that chose to invest in high solutions LEDWalls, Absen, LG, DigiLed and SHARP/NEC.
The Italian, French and Spanish AV (audio-video) rental companies that chose to invest in high solutions LEDWalls Absen, LG, DigiLed and SHARP/NEC. In each Partner LEDWall profile, you will find all the contact details and other information about the LEDWall products available.
An effective and easy way to foster cooperation among companies that chose the same LED technology solutions. It serves also as a major support to all the event planners or -those hosting events- when looking for a rental partner.

A concept by Prase
Led Rental Network is an idea by Prase Media Technologies, the Italian LED technologies distributor (as well as rental) by Absen, LG, DigiLed and SHARP/NEC.
A pragmatic support for those companies that decided to invest in a high-quality LED technology.